Jerk Off Instruction Videos: The Motives

The Desire For Jerk Off Instruction Videos

Why are jerk off instruction videos so popular? Two months ago, I wrote my first blog post on jerk off instruction. I discussed whether I thought it qualified as a fetish, and what I believe makes it so popular! This post got a fair bit of attention, and some comments on Reddit about it as well. I would like to now address these comments and continue the discussion!

Two common themes emerged from the comments: Wanting a variety in your porn, and a desire for intimacy!

jerk off instruction video Triple Orgasm JOI
“Triple Orgasm JOI”, a 20 minute long jerk off instruction video! Three orgasms makes it best suited for the most experienced viewer.
Clips4Sale | ManyVids | NiteFlirt

Porn Variety

I first noticed a few comments that people just wanted something different in their porn!

“Regular porn is usually pretty boring at this point.”

This was a bit surprising to me, but certainly interesting! “Regular porn” has become boring. For the purposes of this discussion, I’m going to interpret “Regular porn” as mainstream, boy/girl vanilla sex porn, though I know it can be much more than that! This interpretation does require me to take a bit of a different perspective than usual. As a content creator, I usually view my own jerk off instruction videos as pretty regular! I makes lots of them, they more or less appeal to the masses, aren’t very niche, and jerk off instruction videos aren’t exactly hard to find.

Jerk off instruction video JOI from your nurse
“JOI From Your Nurse”, a 10 minute long, easy to digest JOI video with a roleplay twist!
Clips4Sale | ManyVids

“I just like it because I am into dirty talk and don’t want to watch girls getting fucked all the time.”

If I were looking at only these two comments, I would start to wonder why JOI fills the void for more variety. Why not something more specific, such as a fetish? It’s a common joke among the internet that everyone starts off with mainstream porn, and gradually progresses to more and more extreme things to satisfy their needs and not get bored! So why turn to JOI?

Turns out, the intimacy of jerk off instruction videos is why.

The Intimacy of JOI

JOI videos seem to fulfill a rather unique need — the need for intimacy, human connection, and something that feels more personal.

“. . . what I can say about myself is that my favorite part of JOI is the intimacy . . . she’s talking directly to the viewer and making a temporary connection that isn’t there in other videos.”

I believe that every JOI I have filmed meets this intimacy to some degree. They are always in the style of me talking directly to the viewer, focusing on them as my only concern in the moment. I try to let that connection feel as real and authentic as possible.

Nut on my tits jerk off instruction video
I’m not sure I would even know how to film a jerk off instruction video without directly addressing the viewer! Some custom video JOI’s I do include name use, such as Nut on My Tits“.
Clips4Sale | Manyvids

“They want to watch someone talking to them . . .One way or the other , there is at least some interaction – point of view – roleplay , and that is something that mainstream porn does not provide.”

I think this quote helps explain why turning to more extreme videos or specific fetishes does not satisfy people when looking for something beyond mainstream porn. It’s rare for videos with multiple performers to be in the style of addressing the viewer. There certainly are some exceptions to this, though, such as my Two Girl JOI with Cum Countdown, or the Cum on Our Tits JOI! Many fetish videos are filmed simply for a voyeur perspective — getting to watch the action, but never being addressed.

TeenyGinger18 and purplehailstorm
I’ve filmed several jerk off instruction videos with Sierra, aka TeenyGinger!

“The intimacy of JOI is a big part, the breaking of the 4th wall provides a pseudo customization to the viewer and that is more stimulating than watching some dude’s ass as he pounds into woman.”

I’m really appreciating opening up this conversation, because this is giving me some great food for thought! Almost all of the videos I film tend to… Essentially smash the fourth wall into tiny pieces. I am constantly talking to the viewer, including them in the fun, even if it’s not JOI — for example, my roleplay videos almost always share this style as well. I suspect this is something that may be more limited to solo, independent content creators. It’s obvious while looking at that now, but not something I had ever previously considered.

“Yeah I agree more with this interpretation. JOI makes the porn feel more interactive and immediate, like there’s an exchange between you and the performer. I find it’s much easier to focus on the actual act of masturbation, to really get into it when I’m trying to follow a beautiful woman’s instructions rather than just mindlessly pumping to strangers fucking.”

It makes sense how immersive porn is so much easier to get off to! There is less temptation to get distracted or just zone out, when you’re being talked to directly!

Jerk off instruction video encouraging you to jerk off for me
“Encouraging you to jerk off for me” was a custom video, 9 minutes long, that is very immersive and hard to look away from!
Clips4Sale | ManyVids

Final Thoughts

“It feels like there is a connection between the model and I. And that makes it interesting, and sexier. I think that plays a part for a lot of us even if we dont realize it. Getting a connection that were not getting through our sex lives or lack there of.

So, what do you think? What it is that draws you to JOI? Do you like something new? The intimacy? Do you like a woman talking about your penis? Do you prefer to buy customs where your name is used? Let’s continue this discussion even more!

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